Hair loss treatment

A Deep Dive into Hair Regrowth for Women

Every woman aspires to have vibrant and healthy hair. Despite the abundance of hair care products available, many women encounter difficulties dealing with various hair issues. Whether it’s hair thinning, hair loss, or dandruff, numerous hair-related concerns demand personalized medical attention and treatment.

In order to gain a better understanding of the treatment options for women’s hair growth, it’s essential to comprehend the natural hair growth cycle.

Understanding the Hair Growth Process

Hair growth occurs in cycles, which can be divided into three phases:

1. Anagen Phase:

In the anagen phase, hair actively grows as cells in the hair follicle rapidly divide. This phase can last for several years, determining the length of the hair.

2. Catagen Phase:

The catagen phase is a brief transitional period marking the end of active hair growth. Lasting about 2-3 weeks, the hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla.

3. Telogen Phase:

During the telogen phase, hair is in a resting state. The old hair remains in the follicle as a new hair begins the anagen phase. This phase lasts about 3 months before the cycle repeats, and a new hair begins to grow.

It’s important to note that at any given time, various hairs on the scalp are in different phases of the hair growth cycle. On a normal scalp, about 85-90% of the hair follicles are typically in the anagen (growth) phase at any given time. This means that the majority of hairs are actively growing and undergoing the rapid cell division characteristic of the anagen phase. Disruptions in this cycle, such as hormonal changes, medical conditions, or certain medications, can lead to hair loss.

Understanding the hair growth cycle is crucial as it helps identify potential problem areas. Once issues within the hair growth cycle are recognized, implementing the appropriate hair treatment for women becomes much simpler.

Understanding Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss can occur gradually or suddenly, depending on the underlying factors. Contrary to popular belief, it is a complex issue that requires a well-defined treatment plan. Unfortunately, many women tend to overlook the early signs of hair loss, exacerbating the condition and making it more difficult to treat. Maximizing the effectiveness of any women’s hair treatment requires early action.

As we are aware, each hair strand originates from a tiny hole in the skin called the follicle. With female pattern hair loss, the follicle shrinks, leading to shorter and finer hair. This is known as miniaturisation. Eventually, a stage is reached where the follicle ceases to produce new hair. However, it is still possible to regrow hair by stopping and reversing the miniaturisation process. Once a miniaturised follicle is rejuvenated and enlarged, it can produce thicker and longer hair shafts.

Signs of Hair Loss You Should Not Ignore

To enhance the effectiveness of hair treatment for women, it’s vital to spot signs early and choose the most appropriate treatment for the specific case. Here are key signs of hair loss to keep an eye out for:

1. Increased Scalp Visibility:

If you notice more of your scalp than usual, particularly around the crown and other areas, it may indicate hair thinning.

2. Changes in Hair Texture:

Changes like increased dryness, brittleness, or a lack of shine can signal unhealthy hair that requires proper care and treatment.

3. Bald Patches:

The presence of bald patches could be a sign of alopecia areata, requiring prompt medical attention.

4. Decreased Hair Density:

A gradual reduction in overall hair density may be an early indication of hair loss. Check for a decrease in hair volume and consider hair growth treatment early on to prevent worsening.

5. Increased Shedding:

Excessive hair in your brush or on your pillow could signify increased shedding, where you’re losing more hair than normal. Timely intervention with hair treatment is crucial to manage or reverse hair loss in women.

Recognizing these signs early is key to managing hair loss effectively. Now that we understand the signs, let’s explore the best hair loss treatment options for women.

Hair Growth Treatment for Women

1. Topical Treatments:

Minoxidil, a topical solution, is renowned for promoting hair growth. Applied directly to the scalp, it enhances blood flow to the hair follicles, facilitating hair regrowth. Minoxidil stands out as one of the most effective topical hair growth treatment for women. Bioscor has a proprietary formulation which minimises the risk of irritation normally associated with other minoxidil solutions, whilst including a wide range of clinically-proven ingredients into one formula.

2. PRP Therapy:

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a popular treatment for hair loss which rejuvenates the hair follicles, leading to increase hair density and thickness. In this procedure, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn, processed to concentrate platelets, and then injected into the scalp. These platelets contain a variety of growth factors to revitalise the hair follicles.

3. LLLT (Low-Level Laser Therapy):

Devices utilising Low-Level Laser Therapy are employed in hair growth treatment for women. This non-invasive laser therapy stimulates hair follicles, contributing to improved hair thickness and density.

In addition to these methods, various nutritional supplements are also integrated into women’s hair treatment plans.
Achieving and sustaining healthy hair involves a combination of mindful lifestyle practices and targeted treatments. If you’re seeking a reputable clinic for your hair loss concerns, consider booking an appointment at Bioscor.

Bioscor provides result-oriented treatments for both skin and hair issues in both men and women. Contact us today for more information on our customized solutions for hair loss and skin problems.