Mesotherapy (Micro-injections)

Mesotherapy (Micro-injections)

Developed in 1952 by the renowned French physician, Dr Michel Pistor, to manage pain and vascular disorders, mesotherapy is a technique where micro-injections are used to deliver small doses of a product or ingredients directly into the deeper layers of skin. Mesotherapy injections are used to help with underlying skin issues such as wrinkles, fine lines, dullness, and loose skin.

Our Skin is a Physical Barrier

More often than not, topical application of products/ingredients onto the skin leads to poor absorption and efficacy – hence do not lead to desired results. Thus, mesotherapy aims to bypass the physical skin barrier for a direct introduction for maximum absorption and greater efficacy. The mesotherapy injections hydrate and rejuvenate the skin and also help in giving an instant glow. Mesotherapy is less invasive as compared to other anti-ageing and skin procedures which makes it preferable for many people.

Confusing Mesotherapy Injections with Micro-needling

It is not difficult to see why these two treatments are confused especially when they sound similar, especially when referring to mesotherapy as micro-injections and skin-needling as micro-needling. The other reason is that both mesotherapy and micro-needling utilise short superfine needles to penetrate the skin.

The action of penetrating the skin in both mesotherapy and skin-needling triggers a “wound healing cascade” which ultimately rejuvenates the skin. However, this is where the similarities between mesotherapy and skin-needling end. Mesotherapy goes a little further as it is a technique that administers product /ingredients directly into the skin whereas the micro-needling technique itself does not.

Simply put, mesotherapy injections allow active ingredients to be infused deeper into the skin compared to topical application. Certain ingredients are poorly absorbed by the skin when applied topically because they are not the right “size” or “compatibility” to “slip through” the outer skin layer. With mesotherapy, superfine injections of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), vitamins, minerals and amino acids can be directly delivered into the correct layer within the skin. The action of micro-injections also triggers a “healing response” to rejuvenate and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, both essential for the skin’s natural elasticity.

In essence, mesotherapy allows for active ingredients to work in an efficient manner and maximize their benefits to provide optimal hydration and rejuvenation while stimulating collagen and elastin production to further enhance the structural integrity of the skin.


At Bioscor, mesotherapy can be performed over the entire face or focused on specific areas such as under or around the eyes. The practitioner will carefully select the appropriate product that will be applied to achieve the most ideal outcome.

SKIN BOOSTER TYPE I – Non-crossed linked dermal filler

To address concerns of looking sunken or hollow under the eyes, we use a product high dose of non-crossed-linked hyaluronic acid (HA) to plump up the skin tissue by boosting the hydration levels.


For those who prefer a global rejuvenation of the face will benefit from our mesotherapy concoction containing 56 components including a lower dose of HA, antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Skin Boosters Type - Bioscor International

Mesotherapy Injections Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Mesotherapy is used to improve several skin conditions. The procedure involves using different combinations of ingredients to tackle skin issues. Mesotherapy injections can help with skin hydration, skin tightening, skin restructuring, light acne scars, general scarring and improving radiance.

Like many treatments, a series of approximately 5 sessions is required performed 3 – 6 weeks apart for best results. The number of treatments required also depends on the condition of the skin and the issue.

Mesotherapy has the benefits of immediate and long-term results.

Depending on the type of skin boosters used (type and concentration of ingredients such as hyaluronic acid can vary), the results can be seen as quickly as one-week post-treatment. Skin will appear more hydrated and plumper due to the direct introduction of hyaluronic acid and other skin-boosting ingredients such as vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.

While the skin benefits immediately from the direct addition of active ingredients, the triggering of the skin’s “healing response” also stimulates collagen and elastin production. The new collagen is formed after 90 days and can last up to 2 years.

There is some downtime but it is considered minimal as most clients are able to return to work the next day. You may wear make-up 24 hours post-treatment if you wish to cover up any residual redness.

A topical numbing cream will be applied prior to the procedure to make the treatment comfortable. Generally, you should not feel anything when your forehead is being treated. Areas which are more sensitive such as around the mouth (due to a higher density of nerves) may feel some mild pricking sensation but this is very tolerable for all our patients.

It is normal to expect pinpoint bleeding during the treatment.

Your face will be flushed for the remainder of the day due to the increased blood circulation to the face.

The skin may feel sensitive for a few days post-treatment so we advise you to be gentle when touching and washing your face.

Mesotherapy injections can cause pinpoint bleeding during the procedure. As the platelets in the blood coagulate to prevent continuous bleeding (this is your body’s normal wound healing response), you will notice tiny dried blood spots sitting on top of the skin post-treatment. Most will be washed away during the cleansing of the face; others can be easily covered up with makeup which can be used 24 hours post-treatment.

You will also notice that your skin will appear “bumpy” in a grid-like manner as these “bumps” are areas where mesotherapy solutions have been deposited in the tissue. It may take a few days for the solution to be completely absorbed by the body and to completely smooth out to the same skin texture prior to your mesotherapy treatment.

Mesotherapy injections are extremely safe and you may experience mild bruising due to the injections post-procedure. Some people with hyper-sensitive skin may also experience mild swelling. However, the bruising and swelling settle down as the skin recovers.

At Bioscor, we conduct a thorough consultation before deciding on the treatment procedure and products to use. Our practitioner first considers all the skin issues faced by the patient and analyses your skin condition in detail and then design a suitable treatment plan. Not just that, we also conduct regular follow-ups to make sure the treatment is progressing as it should.

At Bioscor, our team is highly professional and trained for mesotherapy. Our skin experts and staff strive hard to also ensure all our patients get maximum comfort during all procedures.

Get in touch with us today and book an appointment for a detailed consultation. Our team will also help you with all the information on mesotherapy injections.