Pumpkin Peel

Did you know that pumpkin has the highest concentration of Vitamin A of any vegetable?

Vitamin A is highly regarded as one of the key ingredients in creating beautiful skin

What is a Pumpkin Peel treatment?

The pumpkin peel skin resurfacing treatment is an intensive way to rejuvenate your skin by stimulating cell renewal and improving the texture for skin. Pumpkin pulp packed with enzymes, nutrients and vitamins is combined together with glycolic acid, lactic acid and salicylic acid to become an effective treatment to combat ageing, surface pigmentation and acne.

Moreover, its antibacterial properties can help treat acne spots while correcting surface pigmentation to improve tone.

With a series of pumpkin peel treatments, you can expect the following benefits:

  • Improves skin brightness
  • Improves skin hydration
  • Supports barrier function of the skin
  • Refines the appearance of wrinkles
  • Decreases existing acne and aids in preventing new acne breakouts
  • Evens skin tone and lightens the appearance of pigmentation
  • Stimulates the skin
  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits
  • Significantly smoother and tighter skin

How Pumpkin Peel works to fight signs of aging

Both alpha-hydroxy acids (Lactic acid and glycolic acid) and beta-hydroxy acids (salicylic acid) work together to exfoliate and slough off dead cells while promoting cell renewal, bringing newer and younger skin cells to the surface. All the while, strengthening collagen beneath the skin’s surface.

This effectively improves overall skin tone and clarity by lightening surface pigmentation, softening the appearance of fine lines and brightening the skin.

A clearer, smoother and more taut complexion can be achieved with a series of pumpkin peel treatments.

How Pumpkin Peel works to help clear acne

As the pumpkin peel is formulated with key ingredients to penetrate deep into your pores to remove debris and dissolve dead skin cells, it aims to decongest, calm any existing flare-ups and help control future breakouts.

Together with its antibacterial effect, this peel targets acne at its source so we can immediately get your skin back on track to healthier skin. Moreover, this pumpkin peel stimulates circulation and promotes healing without the use of harsh chemicals, which can irritate sensitive acne-prone skin.

Once the peeling process has finished, the skin will feel smoother, brighter and any present acne will have reduced, leaving your skin looking healthy, less congested and hydrated.

What happens during your Pumpkin Peel treatment?

Prior to the treatment, we’d recommend that you cease using any products containing Vitamin A for at least one week and avoid facial waxing for at least two weeks.

Book in a consultation with one of our friendly dermal therapists prior so we can access your skin condition and address your concerns so we are able to work out the best treatment plan for your skin and achieve results.

During your Pumpkin Peel treatment, we will first cleanse your skin of any oil, makeup and dirt. This is to ensure your skin is free of impurities so that the peel can work effectively deep into your pores and skin.

First, we’ll apply a layer of Dermaprime, a universal degreasing, prepping solution which helps to reduce unwanted sensations onset by Glycolic Acid.

Next, a thin layer of pumpkin peel will be applied to your face. The pumpkin peel will feel warm and tingly. It maybe even hot in some spots for a few minutes, and may then develop into a pleasant, skin-tightening sensation.

Once the desired endpoint is reached, we will then neutralize the entire face to stop the peel from reacting further. Skin will be cleansed thoroughly to remove any remaining residue.

Although some difference can be seen with just one treatment, the best results are obtained with a series of 5-6 treatments performed 2-3 weeks apart. You can expect the following benefits:

  • Improves skin brightness
  • Improves skin hydration
  • Supports barrier function of the skin
  • Refines the appearance of wrinkles
  • Decreases existing acne and aids in preventing new acne breakouts
  • Evens skin tone and lightens the appearance of pigmentation
  • Stimulates the skin
  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits
  • Significantly smoother and tighter skin

What happens after your Pumpkin Peel treatment?

Immediately after your treatment, your skin may look flushed but the redness will subside within a day or two. Do not apply any products for the first 6 hours. Side effects may include, but not limited to, stinging, itching-irritation, redness, swelling, tightness, peeling and scabbing of the skin.

Days 0 – 2:  Avoid sweating, exercising, hot baths or showers, scrubbing, picking or rubbing your skin. Be gentle to your skin; use a mild cleanser, a gentle moisturizer and at least SPF 30 sunblock. It is vital that you protect the skin from direct sun exposure with a broad spectrum sunscreen for a minimum of 3 days post-treatment to prevent hyperpigmentation. A hat may be worn if necessary.

Days 2 – 3:  Peeling, if any, may begin anywhere from 2 – 3 days post-peel. Resist picking at the flaking skin. Skin may feel tight. Again, keep moisturizing your skin with a gentle moisturizer with no active ingredients (no AHAs, BHAs, retinoids).

Days 3 – 10: You may experience continuous skin flaking as well as increased skin sensitivity depending on the skin type and home care regimen. Continue using a mild cleanser, gentle moisturizer and SPF 30 sunblock.

Days 10 onwards: If your skin has healed, you may re-introduce retinoids and/or alpha hydroxy acid products (AHAs). If you are unsure, always contact your dermal therapist at Bioscor to ask for recommendations as everyone’s skin is different.

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