E50 Exosomes for Hair

Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles secrete by various cell types.  These tiny structures play a pivotal role in cell-to-cell communication. They contain bioactive molecules like proteins, lipids and genetic material, which can influence the behaviour of recipient cells. In aesthetic medicine, exosomes are harnessed for their regenerative properties, making them a promising tool for skin and hair rejuvenation.

These vesicles can be loaded with specific growth factors, cytokines, and proteins tailored for hair growth. When reintroduced into the scalp, they deliver their payload to recipient cells, effectively stimulating and enhancing hair growth. Exosomes can also be combined with our other treatments at Bioscor, as part of our combination-therapy approach, in order to achieve maximum hair regrowth results.

Why E50 Exosomes?

E50 Exosomes are meticulously engineered from marine sources, harnessing the innovative MIEA (Media Induced Extracelluar Vesicle Adaptation) technology. Through precise cultivation and preservation methods, E50 Exosomes maintain peak bioactivity, delivering exceptional results in rejuvenating skin and hair.

E50 Exosomes are rich in essential components that drive their regenerative capabilities:

  • Growth Factors – promote cellular proliferation and tissue repair.
  • MiRNAs – act as signals to induce specific cellular pathways associated with cellular regeneration.
  • Cytokines – modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation.
  • Proteins and Lipids – essential for cellular communication and structural integrity.

Benefits of E50 Exosomes

E50-H is an advanced exosome product designed to effectively treat hair loss by enhancing cellular activity within the hair follicle ecosystem. It promotes the proliferation and differentiation of crucial cells, including hair follicle stem cells, outer root sheath cells, and dermal papilla cells. E50-H plays a pivotal role in regulating the hair growth cycle by stimulating the transition from the dormant telogen phase to the active anagen phase, while also delaying the onset of the catagen phase. This product boosts beta-catenin levels, a key signaling molecule essential for hair follicle development and growth. Additionally, E50-H promotes angiogenesis, facilitating the formation of new blood vessels, and reduces inflammation, making it beneficial for individuals with scalp conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and other inflammatory scalp disorders.

Applied using TargetCool

At Bioscor, we utilise TargetCool to apply the E50 Exosomes to the scalp, providing an effective method for delivering active ingredients directly to the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ). This targeted delivery stimulates the dermal papilla cells, which are essential in regulating hair follicle growth and cycling. The procedure is non-invasive, with the Boosting Mode ensuring completely pain-free transdermal delivery. Additionally, the application of CO2 offers anti-inflammatory benefits. Specifically designed to work with E50 Exosomes, the TargetCool device ensures these bioactive contents are preserved and delivered deep into the DEJ layer for maximum results.


Results from treatment should be visible as early as two to three months of treatment. This patient showed visible results after only one session of E-50 Exosomes treatment at our Melbourne clinic.

Patient has given consent for the use of his photo. Patient results may vary. 


Exosome therapy has burst onto the market, with a growing number of companies offering exosome products. We conducted an extensive amount of market research to choose the right exosome product for us. E50 exosomes is the logical choice for us based on three main criteria: stability, purity and source.

Lyophilisation (also known as freeze-drying, is a process used to preserve biological materials) is the preferred method for preserving exosomes, as it stabilises them and prevents denaturation (when a protein loses its normal shape and function due to changes in conditions) over time. While pre-suspended exosomes claim long shelf lives at ambient temperatures, lyophilised exosomes are considered the “Gold Standard” for ensuring stability, similar to how other products like botulinum toxin are preserved. E50 stands out by using hyaluronic acid in its lyophilisation process, further enhancing exosome preservation and effectiveness, compared to the more common mannitol or sucrose methods.

Exosome products often contain a mix of exosomes, cellular debris, and apoptotic bodies (dead cells), which can reduce the effectiveness and increase the risk of adverse reactions. Many companies count particles within a certain size range, rather than specifically counting exosomes, leading to a higher chance of impurities in the final product.

PrimaCure, the manufacturer of E50, addresses this challenge by using a patented ultrasound technique that not only boosts the production of exosomes but also selectively enriches them with the desired proteins necessary for skin and hair health. The ultrasound process causes cells to release more exosomes while also helping to reduce the presence of unwanted impurities, such as cellular debris and apoptotic bodies. By fine-tuning the conditions during exosome production and ensuring that only the most relevant bioactive components are included, E50 offers a purer, more effective exosome product. This means a higher concentration of beneficial exosomes and a lower risk of complications.

The choice of salmon testis cells addresses safety concerns associated with other cell types (e.g. human-derived) raised by various regulatory bodies, due to a combination of ethical and theoretical safety concerns. In contrast, salmon is a safe choice because diseases and viruses typically cannot transmit from fish to humans. Furthermore, plant-derived exosomes are ineffective due to the fundamental differences in cellular membrane structures between plants and humans.

The use of salmon genetic materials in regenerative medicine is well-documented and has been a cornerstone of the polynucleotide industry for over three decades. Outside of aesthetics, salmon-derived genetic materials have demonstrated the ability to induce cellular pathways critical for regeneration and repair.

SPECIAL – limited time only!

1 Session – $450 $300

2 Session Pack – $800 $500 ($250 per session)

Results are typically seen after a series of 2-4 sessions. As with any form of clinically-proven hair loss treatment, results may vary between individuals.

Discomfort during the procedure is minimal. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or a slight stinging sensation during the micro-needling process. The latter process involving administration via the TargetCool device is pain-free. Although your scalp may feel slightly sensitive after the treatment, it is usually safe to resume your day as per normal.

  • Individuals who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding.
  • History of cancer or autoimmune disease.
  • History of severe allergic reactions.
  • Active infections or inflammation.
  • Bleeding disorders or anticoagulant therapy.
  • Individuals who are on immunosuppressive therapy.

Before considering E50 exosome therapy for hair loss, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare provider who can conduct a thorough medical evaluation, discuss potential risks and benefits, and determine if this treatment is appropriate based on individual health conditions and medical history.

It is usually safe to combine this treatment with other treatments you may have been prescribed by our medical practitioner.

At Bioscor, we believe in combination-therapy for maximum results, which is widely regarded as the most effective approach to treating hair loss.

This page is only intended to provide factual information to educate individuals who are interested in learning more about the treatment. Our clinic offers a health-practitioner-led consultation. Depending on the outcome of the consultation, this may or may not lead to the provision of a prescription.