Complete Breakdown: A Closer Look at The Stages of Hair Loss Cycle

Have you ever found yourself puzzling over the stray hairs on your pillow or the ones that seem to mysteriously gather on your bathroom floor? It’s a common occurrence, but have you ever stopped to wonder why it happens? Believe it or not, each strand of hair on your head doesn’t grow indefinitely. Instead, it follows a fascinating cycle that determines its length, thickness, and overall health. Let’s delve into the captivating world of the hair growth cycle to unravel this hair-raising mystery. Understanding the intricacies of the hair growth cycle is crucial for grasping how various hair loss treatments work to promote healthier, thicker hair.

On average, it’s considered normal to lose about 50 to 100 hairs per day. This shedding is part of the natural hair growth cycle, and most people don’t notice it because new hair is constantly growing in to replace the shed hairs. If you notice significantly more hair shedding than usual or if you’re concerned about hair loss, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a ‘hair loss specialists near me’ for evaluation and personalised advice.

For those who are still new to understanding the basic concepts of hair loss and hair growth, this blog is for you. Let’s begin by taking a deep dive into the phases of the hair loss cycle.

Hair Loss Cycle: The Phases of Hair Loss

Phase 1- Anagen Phase (Growth Phase)

In this phase, the hair follicles are in their active growing stage. During this phase, the hair follicles are active in producing new hair cells that result in visible hair growth. The duration of this phase varies from person to person, but usually, it lasts between 2 and 7 years. It can be rightly assumed that at any given point in time, around 85% of the hair on the scalp is in the anagen phase.

Phase 2- Catagen Phase (Transitional Phase)

This phase is the period between active growth and the rest phase. During this phase, the hair follicles shrink and detach, resulting in a pause in hair growth. This phase lasts for around 2 weeks, and roughly 1-3% of hair is in this phase at any given point in time.

Phase 3- Telogen Phase (Resting Phase)

The telogen phase is a resting phase for hair follicles. The old hair stays in the follicle throughout this period, and new hair starts to develop underneath. In this phase, it is normal to shed around 50-100 hairs per day. This is a step in the overall hair renewal process. Roughly, about 10-15% of hair is in this phase at any given point in time.

Normal hair growth is observed when these phases go on without any disturbance. Hair loss occurs when this cycle is disturbed. For example, those with androgentic alopecia will have many thin hairs due to miniaturisation, which each hair only actively growing for a few months instead of years. This results in a higher amount of hairs in the telogen phase (compared to the expected 10-15% for normal scalps).

Make sure to search for ‘hair clinics near me’ or ‘hair loss treatments near me’ online for more detailed information on the hair loss cycle. By understanding this hair loss cycle and noticing the signs, you can take proactive steps to address the concerns and explore treatment options. The specialist you choose will provide you with detailed guidance on how to manage hair loss at different stages.

Stabilisation and treatment

In some cases, the hair loss slows down at this stage and the patient may witness a stabilisation phase. However, it is difficult to know exactly when hair loss will stabilise. This is why it is important to begin treatment early. It is a lot easier to prevent hair loss than.

The health of the hair follicle plays a significant role in determining the quality, strength, and growth of hair strands. This is why many hair loss tablets in Australia aim at, not only improving the thickness of each strand, but also the quality and strength of the strand.

If you have the common androgenetic alopecia, taking a supplement per day is usually not enough. This is why it is recommended that you search online for ‘hair loss clinics near me’ that provide customised and effective treatment plan which may involve topical and oral medications, PRP therapy, microneedling and LTTT.

If you are searching for hair loss clinics near me or hair loss treatments near me, consult our clinicians at Bioscor. We offer both hair and skin treatments at our clinic. Our hair loss treatments are known to be effective and result-oriented.

Schedule a consultation with us and get personalised guidance and recommendations for managing hair loss effectively.