hair loss treatments

Healthy Scalp, Healthy Hair: Guide on How to Maintain Scalp Health

Your hair reveals a lot about your overall health – it’s a visible indicator of your internal well-being. From its shine and texture to its growth pattern, your hair can tell a story about various aspects of your health. Hair loss is a common concern for both men and women, and even young adults are now grappling with hair growth issues due to unhealthy lifestyles and poor diets. This has led to the emergence of numerous hair regrowth products and clinics.

The hair growth industry is brimming with treatments and products that often make bold claims of providing quick solutions to hair loss problems. From serums and shampoos to advanced natural hair regrowth treatments, the market is saturated with solutions that promise immediate results. However, putting blind trust in these products and treatments can often do more harm than good to your hair. It’s crucial to understand that the most effective strategy is often a combination of hair growth treatments. Moreover, it’s essential to recognise that hair regrowth is a gradual process that takes time to yield results.

Instead of experimenting with random natural hair regrowth hacks found online, you should first seek advice from a hair expert such as Bioscor. At Bioscor, you will speak to a medical practitioner with years of experience in treating hair loss. Our friendly staff will also guide you on the best way to utilise the treatments into your daily routine.

Digging Into Scalp Health

Many of us search for the best hair growth product in Australia and the most reliable hair regrowth clinic, but we often overlook the role of scalp health in hair loss and regrowth. If you’re someone who is unsure about how to maintain a healthy scalp, this blog is for you.

A healthy scalp serves as a robust foundation for promoting hair growth. The scalp plays a pivotal role in the hair growth cycle, and its condition can significantly influence the quality of hair growth. Problems with the scalp, such as dandruff, itchiness, inflammation, and even fungal infection, can negatively impact the overall hair regrowth cycle. To support healthy natural hair regrowth, it is essential to ensure that the scalp is healthy.

hair regrowth clinic

Maintaining The Scalp Health

Similar to your gut, your scalp requires regular maintenance. The scalp possesses a delicate ecosystem that can be easily disrupted. Here are a few guidelines to assist you in maintaining a healthy scalp:

1. Proper Cleansing

Regular cleansing is vital for a healthy scalp. Scalp buildup can hinder healthy hair growth if left untreated. Dead skin cells, sebum (oil) and sweat can clog your hair follicle, which can hinder healthy hair growth. Bioscor’s specially-formulated Scalp Cleansing shampoo is designed to promote a healthy scalp by removing build-up from excess sebum production, dead skin cells and environmental debris. Its active ingredients help stop and prevent dandruff by slowing the proliferation of skin cells. It also reduces inflammation, itching and scaling caused by skin conditions.

2. Addressing Dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp condition characterised by the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. It can lead to visible white or yellow flakes on the scalp and in the hair, as well as itching and irritation. This is typically caused by Malassezia – a type of yeast that naturally lives on the scalp and feeds on the oils produced by hair follicles. An overgrowth of Malassezia can lead to irritation and inflammation, resulting in dandruff.

Some common dandruff treatments include: Anti-dandruff shampoos containing active ingredients such as zinc pyrithione to help reduce the overgrowth of Malassezia and alleviate dandruff symptoms. Be sure to fully dry your hair after showering, as Malassezia can thrive in damp environments.

3. Scalp Protection from the Unhealthy Environment

Just as our skin needs protection from environmental stressors such as pollution and exposure to harsh weather conditions, our scalp also requires a shield against these elements. Simple tips like wearing hats, covering the head with a scarf, and similar measures can be followed to safeguard the delicate scalp.

4. Condition your Hair Strands

Using conditioner after shampooing is essential for maintaining healthy hair and scalp. When the scalp detects dryness after shampooing, it may overcompensate by producing excessive sebum, which can clog hair follicles and lead to various scalp issues. Moreover, sebum contains dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone associated with hair loss. Excess sebum production can exacerbate hair loss by increasing DHT levels on the scalp. Therefore, using conditioner helps to moisturize the hair and scalp, preventing overproduction of sebum and reducing the risk of blocked follicles and hair loss.

Our clinicians at Bioscor are just a call away if you require a comprehensive scalp health check-up or effective hair growth treatment! It’s important to note that maintaining a healthy scalp is vital for healthly hair regrowth.

By making informed choices and seeking professional guidance, achieving noticeable hair regrowth becomes possible.  For more information about our hair loss treatments and hair growth products, please reach out to us at Bioscor, the most recommended hair regrowth clinic in Australia.