Latest Advances in Hair Loss Treatments – PRP and I-PRF for Hair Regrowth

Hair loss is a common issue that affects people globally. Despite numerous scientific and medical advancements, finding a reliable and effective hair growth treatment can be challenging. Nowadays, the emotional and psychological impact of hair loss drives many to seek treatments that not only address the symptoms but also offer lasting results.
In most cases, this condition becomes irreversible because people delay consulting a specialist. If you’ve been searching for ‘hair loss specialists near me’, ‘hair loss clinics near me’, or ‘hair loss treatments near me,’ then you’ve come to the right place.

In Australia, the quest for the best hair loss treatment has led to the exploration of new therapies such as PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) and I-PRF (Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin). These cutting-edge treatments available in Melbourne offer hope to those struggling with hair loss. It’s important to stay informed about the latest hair treatment options in Melbourne, as they can provide the most effective and personalised solutions. These new techniques and advancements are also known for delivering better results in less time, with minimal chance of side effects.

In this blog, we will explore the two innovative regrowth treatments: PRP and I-PRF.

Understanding PRP Therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment for hair loss began gaining widespread attention in Melbourne during the late 2000s and early 2010s. This non-surgical approach has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in addressing hair loss for both men and women. The treatment involves drawing a small sample of the patient’s blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets rich in growth factors, and injecting the PRP into areas of the scalp experiencing thinning or hair loss.

Renowned for its role in wound healing, PRP works by stimulating dormant hair follicles, encouraging regrowth, and improving hair density, making it a highly effective solution for promoting natural hair restoration.

How does PRP promote hair growth?

PRP promotes hair growth by delivering concentrated growth factors that stimulate cellular repair and revitalisation within the hair follicles. These growth factors enhance blood supply to the follicles, improve nutrient delivery, and strengthen follicular function. Numerous case studies have highlighted PRP’s effectiveness in treating both male and female pattern baldness, with minimal side effects. Research suggests that PRP can be used either as a standalone therapeutic option for hair loss or as an adjunct to hair transplantation.

Now that we’ve explored one of the latest hair loss treatments, let’s take a look at the PRF hair growth treatment available in Melbourne.

What is i-PRF (Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin)?

In simple terms, platelet-rich fibrin (I-PRF) is an advanced version of the PRP hair loss treatment. The process for I-PRF is similar to that of PRP therapy but offers enhanced effectiveness.

During PRP preparation, anticoagulants are added to prevent the blood from clotting. However, it was later recognised that the natural clotting process plays a vital role in effective wound healing and tissue regeneration. This insight led to the development of Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), which capitalises on the clotting process to enhance regenerative outcomes.

For I-PRF, blood is drawn from the patient and processed to create a rich concentration of platelets, white blood cells, and fibrin. This processed blood is then injected into the scalp area where hair thinning or loss has occurred.

Why is I-PRF hair loss treatment more effective than PRP for hair loss?

I-PRF is considered more effective than PRP therapy because of the key differences in the way these treatments work. Here are some notable reasons why I-PRF treatment is more effective:

  • Natural slow release of growth factors

    PRF forms a fibrin matrix that acts as a natural scaffold, allowing for the slow and sustained release of growth factors and cytokines. This extended release mechanism ensures longer-lasting effects in stimulating hair follicles compared to the quicker dispersion seen with PRP, where the use of anticoagulants disrupts the formation of the fibrin matrix.

  • Higher concentration of growth factors

    The centrifugation protocol of I-PRF greatly differs to that used for PRP. Through vigorous laboratory testing, it was found that slower speeds and less time generally result in the highest concentration of growth factors.

  • Simplified Processing:

    The preparation of PRF is simpler and more natural than that of PRP. PRF does not require the addition of anticoagulants or other chemicals, minimising the risk of allergic reactions or other side effects.

Though I-PRF is relatively new in the field of hair loss treatment, several case studies have demonstrated its effectiveness. One notable study concludes that I-PRF is a safe and effective method for treating hair loss, even in challenging cases of androgenetic alopecia. Additionally, the cost-effectiveness and fewer treatment sessions required for I-PRF may make it a more attractive option compared to PRP therapy.

Visit us for the best hair regrowth treatment options in Melbourne

At Bioscor, to maximise the potency and effectiveness of our PRF treatment, we ensure to follow the recommended protocols taught by the pioneers of PRF treatment – Dr Joseph Choukroun and Dr Richard Miron. Furthermore, when you come in for your PRF appointment, our trained staff will take the opportunity to assess your overall hair and scalp condition and discuss the best plan of attack for your hair health concerns.

We understand that hair loss can be a distressing experience. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of hair loss treatment options to suit various cases and conditions. From cutting-edge regenerative treatments like I-PRF and to medical therapy, we are committed to providing personalised care tailored to your unique needs.

Visit us today to explore hair growth treatment options in Melbourne and take the first step towards healthier, fuller hair! Our clinicians will work closely with you to understand your concerns and recommend the best treatment plan. Schedule an appointment now!

This page is only intended to provide factual information to educate individuals who are interested in learning more about the treatment. Our clinic offers a health-practitioner-led consultation. Depending on the outcome of the consultation, this may or may not lead to the provision of a prescription.