Male Hair Loss

When to See a Hair Loss Specialist and Best Hair Loss Treatment Options

Hair loss can be distressing, impacting one’s self-confidence and overall well-being. It is is a condition that requires proper treatment and professional attention. While shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal, excessive hair loss requires the expertise of a specialist in hair loss. Understanding the causes and available treatment options for female and male hair loss is essential in effectively managing this condition. Unfortunately, many individuals tend to overlook this, leading to even more hair loss (it is a well-known medical fact that hair loss is best treated during the earlier stages).

For women, various factors contribute to hair loss, including genetics and hormonal imbalances. For men, the most common form of hair loss is a genetic form of hair loss, known as male pattern hair loss. Identifying the underlying cause is key to distinguishing between normal and excessive hair loss, aiding in determining the most suitable treatment for both women and men.
Many individuals often seek solutions for hair loss in shampoos, conditioners, and serums that claim to control hair loss, yet most of these products prove to be ineffective. To find the right treatment for hair loss, it’s imperative to visit a reputable hair loss clinic and consult with a specialist.

In this blog, we’ll delve into understanding the appropriate time to seek the expertise of a hair loss specialist and explore the best available treatments for women and men experiencing hair loss.

Signs You Need to See a Hair Loss Specialist

1. Noticeable hair thinning

If you observe a considerable reduction in your hair’s density or widening part lines due to excessive hair thinning, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a hair expert or specialist.

2. Sudden hair loss

Sudden and unexplained hair loss may indicate an underlying issue requiring prompt medical attention. If you observe such a significant and unexpected hair loss, it’s recommended to visit a hair loss clinic promptly for evaluation and necessary treatment. The trained and experienced medical practitioner will go through a thorough all the necessary checks and determine the cause.

3. Dandruff

Dandruff, characterized by flaking and itching, can persist despite using anti-dandruff shampoos. In such instances, seeking advice from a medical hair expert becomes necessary as you may require other types of products. Poor hair hygiene practices can also exacerbate dandruff in which a hair loss speciailist can guide you with some helpful tips (e.g. blow hair until it is fully dry).

4. Itchy scalp

Scalp discomfort or itching may indicate different scalp conditions such as psoriasis, potentially resulting in hair loss. Consulting a hair loss specialist will involve a comprehensive scalp examination to determine the underlying cause and recommend suitable hair loss treatment options.

5. Patchy hair loss

If you experience a sudden round patch of hair loss, this could be due to the condition known as Alopecia areata, a common autoimmune disorder that results in hair loss on the scalp and other parts of the body. It’s essential for individuals with alopecia areata to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop a personalised treatment plan. Treatment options for alopecia areata vary depending on the extent of hair loss and individual preferences. Some common treatments include corticosteroid injections, topical corticosteroids, minoxidil, and immunotherapy.

6. Hereditary

If you are beginning to see progressive thinning of the hair, starting at the temples or crown of the head, this could be Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness. For women, it often manifests as overall thinning of the hair, particularly at the crown. This is the most common type of hair loss, affecting millions of men and women worldwide. Early treatment intervention can play a crucial role in effectively managing this condition.

Upon recognising any of these indications, don’t delay in arranging an appointment with a hair loss specialist. Treating hair loss in its early stages can yield more favourable hair regrowth outcomes. Now that we’ve identified when to visit a hair loss clinic, let’s explore the best available hair loss treatment options for both women and men.

hair loss treatments for men

Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men and Women

The most effective hair loss treatments for men and women differ based on factors such as the cause of hair loss, underlying health conditions, severity, and personal preferences.

Here are some well-regarded and result-driven hair loss treatments:

1. Minoxidil

Minoxidil, available as an over-the-counter topical solution, is directly applied to the scalp and has shown effectiveness in treating hair loss in both men and women. This formula aids in stimulating hair follicles, reducing hair fall, fostering hair regrowth. Adhere to the recommended application method and frequency as advised by the hair loss expert for optimal results. Bioscor provides both topical and oral forms of minoxidil, including an all-in-one formulation with proven success in thousands of hair loss cases.

2. Finasteride

Finasteride is notably effective in treating male pattern baldness. This oral medication works by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT (the hormone responsible for male pattern hair loss), effectively slowing down the progression of the hair loss, and even regrowing hair.

3. Laser therapy

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) employs laser devices to stimulate hair follicles. This stimulation is believed to increase blood flow to the scalp and encourage cell metabolism in the hair follicles, leading to improved hair growth. It’s a non-invasive hair loss treatment suitable for both men and women.

4. PRP Therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy aids in addressing hair loss concerns in both men and women. This treatment involves drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, processing it to concentrate platelets, and subsequently injecting the PRP into the scalp. PRP therapy promotes hair regrowth and stimulates the hair follicles.

5. Nutritional supplements for hair

Bioscor presents AO Multi Vitamin Forte, an essential hair loss supplement. These tablets are enriched with vital vitamins and minerals, and natural extracts that fortify the roots and hair follicles, aiding in promoting hair regrowth.

It’s crucial to recognise that the effectiveness of each hair loss treatment differs for individuals. For those seeking nearby hair loss treatments or clinics, consulting hair experts at Bioscor is highly recommended.

At Bioscor, we offer bulk-billed consultations for hair loss both in-person, and telehealth. We provide specialised hair loss and skin treatments tailored for both men and women. With over 30 years of expertise in addressing various hair loss conditions, Bioscor has earned a reputation as a premier hair loss clinic in Australia.

Book an appointment with us and start your effective hair loss treatment journey today.