Skin Pigmentation Treatment in Melbourne
The colour of the skin is determined by a pigment known as melanin. Melanin can be influenced by various factors such as the environment, hormones, and genetics, and each factor plays a role in determining the quantity, type, and distribution of melanin in the skin.
Pigmentation can be categorized as either epidermal (surface-level), dermal (deep-level), or a combination of both. Therefore, treatment plans for pigmentation that aim to diminish and enhance undesirable pigmentation are determined based on the type of pigmentation, the patient’s tolerance for risk (risk of PIHP), and the patient’s personal preferences.
When there is an excessive production of melanin, it forms clusters on the skin, resulting in pigmentation. The excess melanin accumulates in the skin, causing the affected area to appear darker. By undergoing appropriate pigmentation treatment at Bioscor in Melbourne, these patches can be significantly reduced in appearance. To understand the procedure for pigmentation treatment in Melbourne, it is essential to first comprehend the causes of skin pigmentation.
How Bioscor Can Help with Pigmentation Treatment in Melbourne
Our team is highly trained and well equipped to address concerns related to skin pigmentation. We recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating pigmentation, so we customize our treatment procedures to meet each patient’s specific needs..
From your initial consultation with our experienced professionals to the follow-up sessions after treatment, we closely monitor every step to ensure that you achieve the desired results. Before recommending a skin pigmentation treatment plan, our experts thoroughly study and analyze your case.
While some individuals may resort to home remedies for pigmentation issues, it is always advisable to seek guidance from an expert. Our specialists will assist you in selecting the appropriate line of pigmentation treatment procedures and recommend suitable skincare products for your maintenance and well-being.